Monday, December 06, 2010

More Jake

In case you can't tell, my camera is super crappy. I took this action shot of Blur-Jake after he accepted his diploma. Just pretend you're drunk and it will become suddenly clear.

Here is Blur-Jake being handed his diploma
(I really am sorry - I need a good camera).

Jake is a tracks mechanic - I would like to say that this is the type of vehicle he is trained to work on. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me and I will edit this post. It's cool either way.

The Shave Ice stand was closed the day we visited the beach. Serious downer.

This is another beach view. At left are the restrooms/showers. I'm glad Jake was in such a nice place for his training.

1 comment:

nousername1 said...

Its an Amtrack, so it would be "track" or AAV
(Amphibious Assault Vehicle) to be proper.