Monday, December 06, 2010

Summer 2010

While we were in CA visiting Jake for his graduation, we took a day and went to Old Town San Diego. Here are Sean and Jeff posing in front of, maybe, a Post Office or something. Posing is the thing they like to do.

This is my favorite picture. Sean spotted these very large, green beetles eating their full of rotten fruit. It doesn't get any better than this.

We got to walk around an old house/yard where some important person once lived. I guess this was his outdoor stove. Maybe the servants cooked his very expensive dinners here. Who knows - who cares?

I suppose this is where the very important home owner would eat important meals with important guests. Usually I love history and old timey ways, but this is just......yawn......sorry.

Sean is gazing at this fountain, probably wondering when we were going to get him the hell out of there.

This is the sign that sucks you in and makes you think you will see something interesting. Don't believe it!

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