Monday, December 06, 2010

Tree Trimming Party Dec. 4

So, it's not so much fun to decorate the trees without little kids around. So what does one do? One throws a party and forces other people to decorate for them. It was Fran's idea.

Sara and Sara are discussing whether to decorate or not to decorate.

Nan and Scarlet are exhausted.

Sara is hanging a USMC ornament in honor of Jake.

Here is an extreme closeup. Hey, how did the incredible hulk get back there?

Jake, this is for you. Enron all the way.

I was so happy that Valerie came over with her bunch (bearing gifts!). They were a tremendous help with both trees. They actually did most of the work along with Nan.

Miss Ellie....

Miss Sylvia....

and Miss Julie....Thanks to you all!!!

Jeff SO did not want his picture taken.

I tried to find a picture of Mom-mom without a wine glass in her hand. It couldn't be done. Nan is still exhausted.
It was a great little party. Who's coming back on Dec. 26th to help me pack it all away???? Anyone??

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