Saturday, February 04, 2006

Forester Badge

Today, our Cubscout Den earned their Forester Badge. We met at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (which, surprisingly, is extremely close to home). Roy was able to arrange a former park ranger/friend/former co-worker, to teach the kids. He was awesome, knew alot, and the kids really listened to him. It was fun, but unlike yesterday, cold and a bit rainy. Here is a photo of Tacy warming her hands on the hand dryer. We were also sticking our heads under to warm our ears.

Here is Sean waving to the camera.

Here is the gang learning how to measure the height of a tree. It involves using a stick of a determined length, backing away until the stick is the same size of the tree, and then doing some mathematical equation with the tape measure. That's all I know, needless to say, I did NOT earn my forester badge today.

Here are our scouts, listening intently to Mr. Ranger.

Here is Tacy showing off her anti-itch cream. She said her knee was a bit red. That's Jasper on the picnic table.

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