Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sunday, Feb. 5th, 2006

Went to Sir Walter Raleigh's today with some of the fam. Here, you see my mother being told something that appears to shock her, while Marty and Danny look on.

Here is the obligatory "length of the table" shot. Mary made friends with the owner, Jerry I think his name was.

Here, you see Sue, Maggie and Linda, looking very happy indeed.

Here is Emily and Molly trying not to pose for me. I asked them to look "natural" and they pulled it off great!

Note: Jeff and I both managed to avoid the camera lens today.

This has nothing to do with brunch. Jeff and I stopped by Ikea beforehand, and thought this cute little computer armoire might work for our 2nd computer. Right now it's on a rickety card table. It's fun to take pictures in stores. I was getting some curious looks from other patrons, I think they were just jealous that they didn't think to bring their cameras.

posted by: AMY

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