Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last Cubscout Meeting EVER!

Well, here you have it. It's the end of an era. Sean's cubscout days are officially over. We had our last meeting last night. Here, you see the boys making memory boards of their years in cubscouts. Vicki had the great idea of displaying them at the Blue and Gold Celebration. She bought frames so they can be taken down after, framed and kept forever.

Here is Tacy and Vanessa in their "fairy godmother" get-ups. They are so cute. By the way, I apologize for not playing Barbie's with you.

Ooops, how did this get here? Everytime I open the cabinet, Yoda has to climb in and hide for a while. He just sits there still as a statue for about 5 minutes or so. Note: As you can see, we buy the "lower sugar" instant oatmeal. It's pretty darn good.

Okay, back to the meeting. Here, Ms. Vicki is handing out supplies while Shawn works on his memory board. Many thanks to Ms. Vicki and Ms. Janet for leading this year. Great job!

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