Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wednesday Feb. 1, 2006

I promised Alicia that I would post pics of the tiles I put up. Here they are. Notice that I haven't grouted yet. It could be months before I do it.

More of the same.

Here is a photo of the doors Jeff and I bought at the salvage yard. Someone PLEASE show me how to spin the photos around. Anyway, these are two 28" wide french doors. After Jeff works his magic, you won't even recognize them.

Enter Yoda. He was trying to pet himself on the camera lens. When I snapped and the flash went off, he got all squinty-eyed.

This one is for my fellow Cancer, Sherry. My mother bought me this crab for Christmas. I think it's about 12" or 14" wide. Definitely a keeper.

Sorry this is a boring post. Amy

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