Saturday, June 09, 2007

Class of 2007

Today was Jake's graduation from Southern High. The ceremony started at 9:30am, which was great, it left the rest of the day for us to have fun. Here is a pic of all the graduates.

Jake posing with Nan and Sara.

Sean in his super-cool Hawaiian Shirt.

Jake thinking deep thoughts (or, looking for an escape route.)

The fire helmet cake. I should have sprinkled cocoa on it to make it look dirty. Oh well, live and learn.

Jake and Mom-mom.

Jake and his peep's.

Jake and his mama. We are both happy and relieved.

Jake and Pop.

Hey, another happy picture. It's not often Jake poses, so I'm taking advantage of that here.
Congratulations Jake, for a job well done - WE LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Eggme said...

It was a GREAT day...thanks for the party..we ALL had a fab time!!