Friday, July 06, 2007

4th of July Parade

For those of you who missed the famous Shady Side 4th of July Parade, here are a few highlights. I have several of the least painful pics I could find, so I'll make my comments brief.

Patriotic Rednecks

Homemade space car

Boy scouts

Uncle Sam lip synching to Ray Charles' "America the Beautiful" or whatever it's called, you know the song I mean.

duh, US Coast Guard (they had a cool dog too)

A woman exploiting her grandmotherly-ness. Shameful!

A wrecked taxi



old truck and man

Scary (I think that's supposed to be Moses)




This float had great musicians playing bluegrass. As a bonus, you can see Jeff in the corner.

I was so afraid for these kids. I was sure one of them would fall and we'd have brain matter splashed all over the road.

Cubs, they weren't too lively, maybe due to the heat.

Don't know the story of this guy. I guess he's plugging the Ruitans.

Little Miss Cedarhurst and her driver.

All in all, it was a pretty good parade. We got lots of candy, beads and water bottles thrown at us, but it was worth it.


Melissa said...

I'm not sure I like the tone of your typing! You're starting to sound a little unpatriotic!

pabersnews said...

You dare question my patriotism???? I was just jealous because I didn't get to be in the parade this year.

Melissa said...

Maybe next year you little firecracker!

nancy said...

Talk about the gayest of the 2 are IT