Saturday, August 13, 2011

Apple Strudel Battle

So, since we're here, I decided to do a strudel taste test. Will I be impressed? Let's find out.

On the left is a strudel from a regular grocery store. On the right is a strudel from a bakery shop. As you can see, they are very different - the bakery strudel has a lot of filling and a stickier crust. The grocery store strudel has a drier crust with powdered sugar on top and a skimpy amount of filling. But, how did they taste?

Jeff and I carefully tasted and evaluated each strudel. Our conclusion: neither measured up. The grocery store strudel was lacking a buttery taste and had not enough apple filling. The texture of the pastry was very nice, light and flaky. The bake shop strudel had lots of filling but was WAY too sweet. The crust was heavy and had more sugar brushed on top which made it quite cloying. On the plus side, it had raisins. So, the winner is: the grocery store strudel. Go figure!

This is the cheesecake section of the bakery we purchased the strudel at. Sean got a slice which turned out to be lemon - he said it was good. As a side note, the girl behind the counter short changed us 5 euros then hid in the back for bit. We had to wait for her to come out and demand the rest of our money. It was sort of embarrassing but that was too much money to let it go. It seems like she did it on purpose and hoped we wouldn't confront her. Well, it worked out in the end. All the other shop ladies were nice as they could be.

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