Friday, August 12, 2011

Knowing we would be hungry in the morning, we went to a local grocery for some breakfast food. The closest I could get to Honey Nut Cheerios was Honey Bees Loops. We also got a bag of Muslei and some Quik. Not shown are the awesome breakfast sausages - couldn't take a picture since they were in our stomachs.

Here is a view of our hotel kitchen. The fridge is disguised to look like a cabinet and the window actually opens. All the windows open which is why the room isn't stuffy and mildewed like hotel rooms in the US.

This is the view from the bedroom window - it's a nice place to walk. I saw 3 cats and a rabbit yesterday. The cats were tough looking, they had stocky legs, fat bodies and mushed in, mean looking faces. My cats would totally lose in a cat fight over here.

Here's the bedroom (with open window!). There is a flat screen TV on the wall across from the bed. Nice.

Okay, so it took me a while to find the flusher. Now I know.

Sean is having dinner in our room. Yes, he is drinking a beer. Settle down people, it's all on the up and up. Yes, it is totally legal - the drinking age for beer is 16 years old. So there.

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