Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hamburger Shack

Very close to our hotel is a small hamburger place. It's sort of fun because you can eat outside on the street and the weather is perfect right now. Sean got an "american" burger, which had a fried egg on it for some reason. Jeff, unwisely, decided to get wurst in a brown sauce in which they had squirted mayo and ketchup and sprinkled with curry powder. FAIL.

I had a lovely cheeseburger and it was super good. The fries were really crispy and 100% better than McDonalds - really. Jeff said it's because they use lard.

I was nice and gave Jeff some of my burger since his food was so pukey.

Shot of the outside.

Here is part of the menu. Each burger had a number, it was like ordering Chinese food, I think they had 20 or so to choose from. Also, each burger came with "dressing". I wasn't sure so I declined it. Good thing because it's a mix of mayo and ketchup - Sean liked it.

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