Saturday, August 13, 2011


Bavaria was only 2 hours by car from our hotel, so we had to go. The park we went to had this cute little ice cream truck - more about that later.

The park also had a food stand where you could get sausage, sandwiches and beer. The best part: no disposable plates, cups or utensils. After you eat you simply carry your plates, glasses and silver back to the counter for washing. Lots of places here do that - I kinda like it!

So, they had a luge which Sean rode 7 times.
By pushing the stick down, you could go super fast around the curves. There were signs at each turn that may have said "danger - slow" but I'm not sure because it wasn't English.

Remember the ice cream truck? Here's the menu - only 1 euro per cone. Jeff got the orange and I had the walnut. Sean abstained.

Sometimes, at the end of the line, there would be a traffic jam if someone slow got stuck in front of you.


Jeff did it too.

This is a view of the luge with the alps behind. Lovely.

We took a tour of 2 castles while we were there. This is the kitchen in King Ludwig II castle Neuschwanstein. Pretty tricked out for the 1860's.

When we arrived at the village where the castles are located, I had to GO. Imagine having to pay 50 cents to use the bathroom. I was so desperate that I had no choice. I hated myself afterward. 50 CENTS!

There were a bunch of crazy people standing on a bridge suspended waaaaaaay up on the mountain - not my idea of fun.

Another view of that kitchen - actually, there were two more rooms - mostly empty. One had a giant marble topped table that must have been for pastry making.

A view of the village from a castle window.

A view of the lake from a castle window.

A view of the castle from it's own castle window. They wouldn't let us take interior photos but taking photos from the windows was okay. It's too bad because the interiors were beautiful. We even got to see Ludwig's toilet.

Another castle window view.

This is Hohenschwangau castle. This was Ludwig's parents place, where he grew up.

Exterior of Neuschwanstein. Supposedly, Walt Disney used this castle as the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty's castle.

We had dinner at a Biergarten near our hotel. All the food was BROWN. Not a bit of fiber to be found.

There it is in all it's brown glory. It was good but looking at the picture is a bit much for my stomach.

Until tomorrow.....bye!

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