Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mercedes Benz Museum

So, we decided to take the train to the Mercedes Benz Museum - we bought our tickets, hopped on, made the first connection and soon realized that our second connection was not going to show up. So, we ended up walking I don't know how many miles thru the city to get there. It was worth it! I don't like cars too much, but they had a lot of neat stuff there - like these old gas pumps.

And this super old fire truck.....

and a less old, but still sort of old fire truck.

I called this one as soon as I saw it - PopeMobile. His tall hat must be protected at all costs.

I had to take a rest room break and discovered that the hand soap looked like the top of an ice cream cone.

Back on the floor, I called Sean over to see the Jurrasic Park vehicle. I was so excited - what was his response?

"That's from the second movie." Well okay but it's still cool.

Here's a picture of the jeep and a dinosaur to prove it!

This is an old British Tour Bus. That little cage on the top left says Madame Tussauds.

Here's the fare card for the tours - cheap.

Just some old cars. Not exciting but they were so shiny.

This car looks like it could fly away.

I'm not sure what this was, but it had a hearst look about it.

Ugh, must be from the 70's.

This isn't the's just the beginning.

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